Give Me Your Phone (Psalms 36:9)

The dusty unpaved dirt road jostled us during our twenty minute ride to the entrance of the slot canyon. Thankful to arrive at our destination, we eagerly entered the narrow opening to the canyon. Our guide surprised us with this request.

“Give me your phone.”

Curious, I obliged and he quickly sifted through the photo settings. “All right, look what I have done. You need to put it in these vivid settings. Ok, watch.”

Our guide positioned the camera in the dimly lit canyon. A few seconds later, the flash partially illuminated the walls. From our vantage point, we saw nothing different. However, when we viewed the photos on our phone, the breathtaking results were stunning!

For with You is the fountain of life; In Your light we see light. 

Psalms 36:9 (NKJV)

The use of the different light settings on our phone cameras was a beautiful illustration of God’s Truth. In the dimly lit canyon, everything was shades of gray and dull hues. Only when the proper light settings are used do we see the true hidden beauty and complexity. When God shines His light, everything is illuminated in ways we could not even comprehend. Ordinary events of life become deep lessons for God’s instructions. Seemingly random encounters become life changing relationships. 

How desperately we need God’s light to illuminate our lives!

Love and trust in the Lord; seek His will in your life.

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