Break It Down (2 Chronicles 2:1-2)

My Kamado cooker is one of my main smoking and barbequing tools. I needed to move it from my old house to my new one during my recent move. The problem was it weighed over 500 pounds and the cradle in which it sat was unstable. Although there were wheels to help transport it, the rubber had cracked and worn after nearly 15 years. Moving it on a dolly was the only feasible mode, however, the movers were anxious about moving it. Our new home was two levels with a relatively steep and narrow descent down concrete stairs to the backyard where the Kamado was to be placed. This was more complicated since it was now 2:30 AM; the movers were exhausted, having worked for 17 hours. We all agreed they would return in two days to move it and in the meantime, it would be kept in the garage on the street level.

The next day, my friend and I surveyed the task ahead of us. We agreed that it was too heavy to move, even with a dolly since it would need to descend a flight of stairs. Examining the Kamado, we discovered we could deconstruct it into three parts, allowing us to carry each part down the stairs and reconstruct it. After some effort, the task was completed by breaking the large task into more manageable smaller tasks. God provides a similar blueprint for His people when presenting them with a monumental task. 

Solomon decided to build a Temple to honor the name of the LORD, and also a royal palace for himself. He enlisted a force of 70,000 laborers, 80,000 men to quarry stone in the hill country, and 3,600 foremen. 2 Chronicles 2:1-2 (NLT)

The building of the Temple of God, directed by King Solomon, is an excellent example of how God directs His people to break down a monumental task into manageable parts. The Temple was one of the great masterpieces of architecture in the ancient world. It took seven years but would have taken more if God had not given specific instructions to Solomon to manage the project. 

Are you faced with a monumental task in your life? A difficult relationship? Unreasonable co-workers? Financial debt? God will give you the blueprint to manage each task by breaking it down into manageable parts. He did it for King Solomon. He will do it for you. All you need to do is place your faith in His Son, Jesus Christ, and accept Him as your Lord and Savior. 


Love and trust in the Lord; seek His will in your life.

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